Minor automobile accidents account for a large portion of the accidents that occur every day across the country, and fender benders are some of the most common accidents that happen. A small bump or tap can lead to an unfortunate position where the parties involved will need to take the proper steps to resolve the situation. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here is what you need to do.
Pull Over
The very first thing to do when you experience a fender bender is to pull over to the side of the road or somewhere safe and turn on your hazard lights. It’s not required to leave either car where the accident took place. Depending on the state you live in, most hit-and-run laws say that it’s actually illegal to drive away after an accident, even if you weren’t the one who caused it. So the best course would be to pull off the road, out of the way of oncoming traffic.
Call 911
After you and the other driver have safely pulled off of the road, call the police to report the accident. Regardless of the severity of the accident or if there were any injuries involved, the police can write up an accident report that you will, most likely, need for your insurance claim. Police officers can also act as a neutral third party.
Document Everything
It’s a good idea to use your phone to take pictures of the damage of both vehicles and the location that the accident occurred. Taking pictures is a good way to document everything and good to have in case you will need something to refer to for details of the accident.
Exchange Information
After an accident, the most common step is for both parties to exchange their information. The information that will need to exchange with the other driver include:
- Names
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Driver’s License Numbers
- Insurance Information
- License Plate Numbers
File a Claim
After the accident, you will need to report everything to your insurance company. You will need to call your agent in order to set up a claim, so that they can begin investigating. There are a few steps to take when filing a claim.
Get an Estimate
The first thing you will need is an estimate of how much it will cost for the collision repair for your vehicle. The next step will be to find a collision repair facility.
Choose a Auto Body Shop
The final thing you will need to do is to get your car repaired. In most cases, insurance companies may send out an adjuster to inspect your vehicle or refer you to a specific repair shop. Finding a professional auto body shop is the best way to ensure high-quality service.